User-friendly all in one complete resource center for energy deregulation

We do business in ALL deregulated states in the US mainly focusing on the commercial business sector

We service Electric and Natural Gas clients

Technical staff – supporting clients in real time

Warren Buffet has identified energy deregulation as the next big financial opportunity to reverberate around the country. Bill Gates Says Energy Deregulation is the next business to make millions. Bold statements along with many others has the Deregulation industry on the
forefront of next shift of financial power.

  1. The lesser of all Deregulation business is generated from customers initiating contact. Which means the majority of a billion-dollar industry is initiated by Brokers and Consultants.

2. In most deregulated states only about a 1/3 of the service area customers are currently participating and saving on their energy                cost. That leaves 2/3 of the market still open for business.

These two key ingredients combined with the above observations from some of the worlds renowned technological forecasters and financial experts, creates an obvious opportunity for those looking for stability and financial independence.

The US has become the world leader in energy efficiency – demand in US has not risen since 2007 due to energy efficient appliances, products and technology controlled smart homes, meters and thermostats. This clearly shows a culture that has developed in our country that is actively and aggressively looking for ways to save on energy cost.

With car manufacturers revving up electric car design and production there is no denying energy procurement is going to be a pivotal industry now and in the future. Those who know it best will be a hot commodity. The most stable foundation for this type of a career, we don’t have to “sell” something they already are using and need.

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