Create an environment in which businesses can benefit and prosper by securing energy cost budget protection.

Industrial and small business on equal ground of value and price certainty

Further businesses interest by having money put back into their organization

Direct action benefits, and results with the power of aggregation

Community Strength

Staying together, being comfortable, and being with your neighbors from your city, town, or region is the consummate business utopia.  Trust and familiarity have more of an impact on business – and rightfully so – then companies give it credit for.

Instead of, in the interest of commerce, separating companies by doing business one on one to gain “customers” – Energy Choice Services believes in keeping everyone together, and leveraging their solidarity to exploit and challenge their energy cost.



The ECS Energy Management Platform being made available through your Chamber of Commerce will be the one resource center that every business will have access to with their own unique log in.

Businesses are interested in having their energy accounts analyzed and priced to compare to what their being billed by their current provider.  Businesses are also interested in, if the option was made available, to have their energy consumption pooled with their surrounding community businesses to have access to the same rates that generally only large corporation power houses have the luxury of paying.  Would you want your rate based on your 50,000 kWh’s or 5,000,000 combined kWh’s?

The ECS Platform will keep an accumulative total combined usage track to offer all participating businesses much lower pricing.


Unified Front

Revenue generated by the U.S. electric power industry (Utilities) last year was a staggering 400 Billion dollars.  Utilities are privately owned businesses, operating for one purpose and one purpose alone – Profit.  Unfortunately, a commodity we need and must have is directly linked to this that we will pay to keep our power on – if we don’t pay and cover the profit margins of these private companies, they cut us off and shut down our power and operation until we pay the money.

The ECS Platform will provide a forum in which your community can exchange energy data:

  • Cost cutting ideas or products that similar businesses currently use.
  • Rate comparisons to make sure you’re not paying more then you should
  • Share energy usage patterns – you may be unknowingly using twice as much energy as a business your same size…why?
  • Current news regionally or nationally that may affect energy cost
  • Watchdog – energy related services or products to be warned about, or to stay away from.

Join Now and see it for your self!

Type of Accounts your affiliated with? (check all that apply);

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